Hello friends!
Welcome to the first blog post. Yay! I am Brittanya. Currently a wife, dog & turtle momma, believer, and dermatologist-in-training [aka resident doctor/physician—in other words, learning all about skin diseases/treatments before I set out on my own]. But in addition to all of that, I am passionate about home.
This blog begins as an outlet for my soul and its longing to write whilst creating beauty and purpose in my everyday life. But I hope it serves you just as well in your own journey. I am currently amid my first full week without call for the last several months and I could think of no better way to spend a few minutes than to write about what brings me so much joy: HOME.
My perspective of a home has changed quite drastically throughout the years. Truthfully, for the vast majority of my life, home served little more purpose to me than a place to spend as little amount of money, time, or effort with as possible. I spent the vast majority of time focused on things outside the home (school, grades, work, sports, etc). But about 2-3 years ago, something changed as I started to realize the life-giving power a creative home can bring. Now, home is something special. Something to be cherished, cultivated, and refined. A place of belonging.
All this brings us to this moment in time: 1) me trying to discover and cultivate a newly found appreciation for home and 2) you reading this blog post and catching a glimpse into a small piece of my current life. My hope and dream are that sharing this new journey can encourage, inspire, and help you along in your own home-creating path.
What can you expect to see on this blog? Well, there is my handy, supportive husband (without whom many ideas would never be accomplished), furry and hard-shelled friends, plants, gardening, décor, yummy recipes, DIY projects, and much, much more. I have so many incredible ideas and plans that I cannot wait to share with you. I am excited for you to come along and I hope you enjoy this new adventure with me. And if you’re new to this journey, then welcome to home!